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What arms race?
That's just what the world needs: More day-by-day charting of the relative military might of two countries that hate each other. Thanks, United States! And thank you, too, BBC!

I have a couple ideas about how we might be able to fix these kinds of problems:
  1. A good defense is the best offense: It seems like the root cause of an arms race is this strategy of making offensive weapons for ostensibly defensive purposes. When a country that hates you has 60 nuclear warheads, NO DUH you're going to be a little nervous!

    But imagine if every nation in the world were bristling with $bns in defensive technologies, but only had sharpened sticks to poke each other... Wouldn't that be the end of this kind of thing?

  2. A little TLC: Another approach: Maybe this whole "Global Police" role the United States has decided to play is coming at it from the wrong direction. Maybe what we really need is a Global Therapist. Condee Rice could have group sessions on the couch in her office! There could be designated "positive time" where India and Pakistan are only allowed to say nice things to each other... Surely that could help, right?
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